
  • Davies, Ryan; Mitchell, Matt; and Lee, Edwin (2023) A High-Speed Portable Ground Heat Exchanger Model for Use in Various Energy Simulation Software. Macalester Journal of Physics and Astronomy: Vol. 11: Iss. 1, Article 4.


  • Studer, Daniel M., Barkyoumb, John H., Lee, Edwin S., Ball, Brian L., Frank, Stephen M., Holland, Eugene, Green, Jeffrey, Robinson, William, Brown, Jeff, and Golda, Jennifer. Leveraging Shore-Side, Building Energy Simulation Tools for Use in the Shipboard Environment. United States: N. p., 2018. Web.
  • Anthony D. Fontanini, Jose L. Castro Aguilar, Matt S. Mitchell, Jan Kosny, Noel Merket, Jason W. DeGraw, Edwin Lee. Predicting the performance of radiant technologies in attics: Reducing the discrepancies between attic specific and whole-building energy models. Energy and Buildings 169 (2018)
  • Piette, M, Hooper, B, Hong, T, Macumber, D, Lee, SH, Chen, Y, Long, N, Lee, E, Dela Cruz, IR, Piette, MA, and Berg, J. The BayREN Integrated Commercial Retrofits (BRICR) Project: An Introduction and Preliminary Results. United States: N. p., 2018.
  • Raftery, P., E. Lee, T. Webster, T. Hoyt and F. Bauman. 2014. Effects of furniture and contents on peak cooling load. Energy and Buildings: 85:445-457.
  • Studer, D., K. Fleming, E. Lee and W. Livingood. 2014. Enabling Detailed Energy Analyses via the Technology Performance Exchange. Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
  • Lee, E., D. Fisher and J. Spitler. 2013. Efficient Horizontal Ground Heat Exchanger Simulation with Zone Heat Balance Integration. HVAC&R Research: 19(3):307-323.
  • Lee, E. and D. Studer. 2013. TIP 287: Reducing Technology Evaluation Costs Through a Technology Performance Exchange. Deliverable 2.5: Draft Data Entry Forms. NREL Report No. TP-5500-60219.
  • Xiong, Z., E. Lee and D. Fisher. 2013. Development of a Horizontal Slinky Ground Heat Exchanger Model. ASHRAE Transactions: 119(2).
  • Chandrasekharan, R., E. Lee, D. Fisher and P. Deokar. 2013. An Enhanced Simulation Model for Building Envelopes with Phase Change Materials. ASHRAE Transactions: 119(2).
  • Cullin, J., Spitler, J. and E. Lee. 2013. Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Horizontal Piping on the Performance of a Vertical Ground Heat Exchanger System. ASHRAE Transactions: 119(2):302-311.
  • Webster, T., T. Hoyt, E. Lee, A. Daly, D. Feng, F. Bauman, S. Schiavon, K. Ho Lee, W. Pasut and D. Fisher. 2012. Influence of Design and Operating Conditions on Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) System Performance. Proceedings of Simbuild 2012, August 1-3, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Cullin, J.R., L. Xing, E. Lee, J.D. Spitler and D.E. Fisher. 2012. Feasibility of Foundation Heat Exchangers In Ground Source Heat Pump Systems In the United States. ASHRAE Transactions: 118(1):1039-1048.
  • Kosny, J., D. Yarbrough, W. Miller, P. Childs, J. Atchley, S. Shrestha, E. Kossecka, J. B. Smith, T. Fellinger, E. Lee, and M. Bianchi. 2010. Theoretical and Experimental Thermal Performance Analysis of Building Shell Components Containing Blown Fiberglass Insulation Enhanced with Phase Change Material (PCM). Proceedings of ASHRAE THERM XII, Clearwater, FL.


  • Spitler, J., J. Cullin, M. Bernier, M. Kummert, P. Cui, X. Liu, E. Lee, and D. Fisher. 2009. Preliminary inter-model comparison of ground heat exchanger simulation models. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage; Effstock 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Cremaschi, L.,and E. Lee. 2008. Design and Heat Transfer Analysis of a New Psychrometric Environmental Chamber for Heat Pump and Refrigeration Systems Testing. ASHRAE Transactions 114(2):619-631.